This page provides a guide to help Mississippi sportsmen and landowners simply and economically establish effective warm season supplemental plantings and a complete cool season forage mixture for white-tailed deer, as well as evaluate food plots using exclosure cages.

Exclosure Cages in Food Plots

Have you ever wondered how much forage your food plot is producing, or to what extent wildlife utilize your plot? There is a simple and inexpensive way to get good answers to these questions.

Placing at least one exclosure cage in each of your food plots will demonstrate forage rate of growth and the amount of wildlife usage. An exclosure restricts wildlife access from a small area within the plot, allowing plants to demonstrate how well they grow on each site without the impact of wildlife.

Construction and Placement

Example of an exclosure cageConstructing an exclosure is simple. Cut a piece of wire mesh small enough to prevent rabbits from entering (i.e., 1" x 2") and form a circular or square area at least three feet across and four feet tall. After the plot is planted, stand the exclosure up and secure it with stakes on at least two sides so that it cannot be pushed around by foraging animals, such as deer or feral hogs.

The use of metal stakes such as concrete reinforcement rods (re-bar) is suggested. The exclosure should be placed in a representative area of the plot--avoiding the highest or lowest points, wettest or driest points, or the most or least fertile areas. Placing the exclosure toward the middle of the plot will eliminate competition effects from native vegetation around plot edges, especially trees. Be careful to not place cages where excessive seed or fertilizer was spread or spilled. If you wait until the seed has sprouted and emerged, pick an area representative of the food plot to place the exclosure. Make sure the exclosure is in place as soon as possible after planting to eliminate bias from early use by wildlife.

Record Keeping

Records should be kept for future reference as to the growth rate and utilization in plots with exclosures. For each plot, the most basic records of liming, fertilization, soil preparation method, seed rate, and plant species (including variety) should be documented initially. The exact planting date should be recorded, along with any pertinent information about soil or weather conditions.

Example of an exclosure cageEach plot with an exclosure should be observed periodically, at least once every 2 - 3 weeks, and notes taken at time of observation. These notes should address weather conditions since the last observation, documenting amount of rainfall, temperature extremes, and other weather phenomena. Notes should also be made on food plot use by different wildlife species such as rabbit, turkey, deer, and hogs by track observation, sightings, or fecal droppings.

At each observation period, the height of the planted species inside and outside the exclosure should be measured. For the height outside the exclosure, take several measurements throughout the plot and use the average. Documentary photographs can also be taken. Take at least one photo of the exclosure with a yard stick or measuring tape placed firmly on the ground and extending upward along the outside of the exclosure. Be sure to include some of the area outside the exclosure and focus the camera so that measurement increments (inches) can be seen on the photo. Take another photo of the entire plot with the exclosure in view. Make sure that both photos are dated and taken from the same location each time.


Evaluating food plot growth and utilization can save time and money and provide more supplemental food for wildlife.

After reviewing the data collected in plots with exclosure cages, you should be able to determine:

  • Which plant species performs best on specific sites?
  • What time of year is each forage species is available?
  • What are the impacts of weather extremes on plant growth?
  • Which plant species are utilized the most by wildlife?

With this information, managers can make more informed decisions about food plot management.

Frequently Asked Questions About Food Plots

How far do I have to be from a feeder during hunting season?

There is no distance restriction. 

Why do I have to use an above-ground covered feeder?

This is so the feed will not sit on the ground in piles. When feed is piled on the ground, there is more opportunity for moisture to come in contact with the feed, which can cause it to mold and sour. 

Then why can I use a spin cast feeder? They allow feed to touch the ground.

Yes, they do allow feed to come in contact with the ground, but the feed is distributed in a manner so it is not piled. Deer can remove most of the feed the feeder distributes each time it turns on. This will reduce the likelihood that the feed will mold or sour.

Why do I have to put my feeder 100 yards away from my property line?

This is primarily to reduce conflict between adjoining landowners, lease holders, and hunt clubs.

Why can't I put a feeder on public land?

Once again, this is to reduce conflict between hunters. If feeding were allowed on public land, a hunter who put up a feeder could "claim" that area as their hunting area. Also, it would be extremely difficult to know where all of the feeders were located on public land, which would mean you could be hunting in violation and not know it.