White-Tailed Deer Game Check

White-Tailed Deer Game Check is a program designed to track harvest information on a county-by-county basis. By reporting your deer harvests, you will aid the future of wildlife conservation in Mississippi. 

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The MDWFP app is a powerful tool for hunters, anglers, and outdoor enthusiasts
Game Check Instructions

Before You Go Hunting

Obtain a hunting license (unless exempt). Digital record-keeping may be done through the Game Check feature found within the free MDWFP app. Register in the app, and it will be your official harvest-keeping record.

When You Harvest a Deer

Using the Game Check feature, click the "Report Deer" button and complete and submit an entry. If there is no cellular coverage where you hunt, the app will automatically upload your harvest when coverage resumes.

There are two ways to report:

Once you complete the harvest-reporting process, you will receive a confirmation number via email.


Conservation Benefits

White-tailed deer are the most sought-after game animal in Mississippi, with 88% of hunters reporting that they pursued deer in the 2018-2019 season. Today Mississippi's deer herd faces mounting challenges, such as Chronic Wasting Disease, that can have localized or statewide impacts. Harvest reporting of white-tailed deer allows for more precise resource management. It would:

  • Provide--for the first time--timely and efficient county-level harvest data that is integral for improving adaptive approaches to management.
  • Provide deer population data that is critical for managing Chronic Wasting Disease.
  • Demonstrate to the hunting community that harvest management and bag limits are important.
  • Provide hunters the opportunity to be actively engaged in white-tailed deer management.

Wild Turkey Game Check

Wild Turkey Game Check is a program designed to track wild turkey harvest information on a county-by-county basis. Wild Turkey Game Check is required by law and requires all hunters in Mississippi to report their harvest before 10pm on the day of harvest.

Download the MDWFP App
The MDWFP app is a powerful tool for hunters, anglers, and outdoor enthusiasts
Game Check Instructions

How to Report Your Harvest

Before You Go Hunting

Obtain a hunting license (unless exempt) and harvest record. Two types of harvest records are acceptable: a digital record or a printed form. Digital record keeping may be done through the Game Check feature found within the free MDWFP app. Register in the app, and it will be your official harvest record. If you prefer a printed copy, you can download the form.

When Your Harvest a Turkey

The reporting process must begin before you move the turkey from its harvest location. Using the Game Check feature on the MDWFP app, click the "Report Turkey" button and complete and submit an entry. If there is no cellular coverage where you hunt, the app will automatically upload your harvest when coverage resumes.

Using the printed form method, the reporting process must begin before you move the turkey from its harvest location. The printed form method can be done on a simple piece of paper and does not require an official game check form. You must record your name, license number, address, phone number, and date of the harvest on the printed form. You will also need to know the beard length, spur length, and the county of harvest when you report your harvest through the MDWFP website, or by calling 1-800-BE-SMART.

After Your Hunt

Using the Game Check feature on the MDWFP app, you have no additional requirements. Using the printed form method, you must report the harvest through the MDWFP website, or by calling 1-800-BE-SMART before 10pm on the day of harvest.

There are three ways to report:

Once you complete the harvest-reporting process, you will receive a confirmation number. This number must be documented on the harvest record.

Using the MDWFP App
Conservation Benefits

Mandatory harvest reporting of turkeys allows for more precise resource management. It would:

  • Monitor populations and harvest data more effectively than an annual hunter survey. The details gathered will improve regulatory decisions and allow for adaptive approaches to management.
  • More thoroughly evaluate the impact of season frameworks on turkeys, hunters, and hunting success.
  • Provide--for the first time--timely and efficient county-level harvest data, allowing MDWFP to identify areas with low harvest rates that we could target as areas that need to be improved.
  • Identify Mississippi's turkey hunters, which would allow for directed polls and surveys to understand the desires of this hunting group.
  • Demonstrate to the hunting community that harvest management and bag limits are important and especially critical to those species that have a season limit.