There are a number of public lands that are open to squirrel hunting in Mississippi, including Wildlife Management Areas (WMA), National Forests, National Wildlife Refuges, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers lands (see links below). Practically all areas offer squirrel hunting opportunities. Hunters seeking gray squirrels (and fox squirrels in the Delta region) will likely find best hunting in areas with large amounts of hardwood forestland. Those looking for the upland or hill country fox squirrel will likely find better hunting in areas with pine and upland hardwood forests that have an open structure.
Always check area regulations for open season dates and bag limits. A Wildlife Management Area User Permit (may be purchased anywhere hunting licenses are sold) is required of anyone using a WMA, unless exempt from purchasing a hunting and fishing license. For other public lands, consult the administrative agency for information on regulations and permits that may be required.