The Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) is a comprehensive deer management program consisting of data collection and cooperator education. Using this data, the MDWFP tries to put the landowner/cooperator in a better position to manage their lands for a healthy deer herd while maintaining habitat integrity.

Cooperators set their own deer management goals and collect biological information on harvested deer. In turn, wildlife biologists from the MDWFP, or other DMAP-approved biologists, analyze the data and provide managers with the facts necessary to make informed management decisions. The program is continuously interactive and open for modification. Data from the program are used to develop site-specific harvest recommendations and have prompted numerous research projects to help better understand deer biology.

How It Works

The starting point of DMAP is goal/objective setting by the cooperator. Then certain data are collected from harvested deer (e.g., weights, antler measurements, whether does have been lactating or not, and a jawbone pulled to determine the age of each deer harvested). After analyzing the harvest data (and in some cases, limited habitat evaluation), the biologist will meet with the landowner/cooperator to discuss harvest strategies that are designed to meet their specific goals within the limitations of maintaining a healthy habitat.

Deer management goals vary from club to club and range from emphasizing total number of deer to having fewer deer and allowing them to reach their "trophy" potential. Deer harvest recommendations can be tailored to achieve the entire range of deer management goals.

Sign Up for DMAP
To meet with a wildlife biologist and sign up for DMAP, request a site visit using the button below.

Benefits for Cooperators

The landowner/cooperative receives a harvest summary report after each hunting season. This report contains a detailed analysis of the current year's harvest, as well as graphs and charts that help show trend directions while facilitating data interpretation. Progress toward the desired goals and objectives is continuously evaluated. A phone conversation or a meeting with their respective biologist is usually an annual follow-up to answer the many questions that will arise. Ideally, the biologist attempts to schedule at least one meeting in person with each club or, at a minimum, all the clubs from each county each year.

The demand for DMAP was initially used by many landowner/cooperators as a way to harvest surplus antlerless deer with no real interest in deer management. Gathering the required data was a price they were willing to pay at the time. As more antlerless opportunity was offered on private lands for longer periods, many landowner/cooperators dropped from the program, no longer willing to gather the mandatory data. Clubs that remain on the program are continuing to strive toward managing their deer herds to meet their desired objectives. 

DMAP's Success in Mississippi

The Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) has been one of the most successful ventures affecting deer management in Mississippi. The DMAP's widespread success has been credited to program design that directly involves the sportsman in the collection of harvest data and ultimately in the management of "their" deer herd.

Since the DMAP's implementation as a research pilot program in Kemper and Noxubee counties in 1976, changes have occurred in the number of cooperators and acreage in the program. As we briefly examine the history of the DMAP, several factors that have influenced participation can be explained.

History of the Program

The DMAP became available as a statewide program in approximately 1985. About 430 cooperators who hunted on approximately 1.3 million acres were active participants in the DMAP at that time. From 1985, total cooperators and their corresponding acreage grew exponentially until peaking in 1994 at close to 1,200 cooperators on 2.8 million acres. Since 1994, total cooperators have stabilized at approximately 650 properties on 1.7 million acres. 

Explanations for the rapid growth of DMAP until 1994, and the ensuing decline thereafter, seem to be related to antlerless hunting opportunity. During the late 1980s and into the early 1990s, liberal statewide antlerless opportunity was only available if a property was enrolled in DMAP.

Cooperator responsibility within DMAP is a burden for some and yet quite easy for others. Data collection methods are standardized and mandatory. Extracting a jawbone, obtaining accurate weights, taking antler measurements on bucks, and collecting lactation data on does can be an intensive process for some hunting clubs/landowners. Therefore, the responsibility from cooperators who were only interested in DMAP as a means to obtain antlerless permits waned as less burdensome methods became available to harvest antlerless deer.

The Fee Management Assistance Program (FMAP) was the first statewide program implemented after DMAP that seems to have reduced total DMAP cooperators. The FMAP allowed landowners and hunting clubs who had sole hunting rights on their hunting property to purchase antlerless permits at $10 each for use at any time during the deer season. The FMAP provided the first statewide hunting opportunity with no requirements for biological data collection. This was an attractive alternative for some DMAP cooperators. As a result, a decline in DMAP cooperators and corresponding acreage was observed.

An aggressive program to provide statewide antlerless hunting opportunity during the entire deer season was initiated in the early 1990s. This program began with opportunity in the still hunting season, added the first gun season in the second year, and was fully implemented in a majority of the state at the end of year three. No requirements were placed on landowners or hunting clubs to harvest antlerless deer during these periods. As in the FMAP, an increasing number of DMAP cooperators who were only interested in DMAP as a means of acquiring antlerless permits discontinued participation in the DMAP.

Today, DMAP functions as it was intended. The cooperators who remain on DMAP are, as a rule, genuinely interested in deer management. The program has actually benefited from the decline in cooperators. MDWFP biologists were overwhelmed during the peak years of DMAP participation. Currently, most biologists are able to devote the necessary time to provide quality management information to DMAP cooperators.

For more information about DMAP, please contact a Private Lands Biologist.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the qualifications for DMAP?

For a property to be considered for DMAP, the landowner/lease holder must be interested in deer management and have the ability to perform the necessary activities to reach their goals. The property must be at least 1000 contiguous acres, or have the ability to harvest a minimum of 10 does per year.

What does DMAP cost?

Cost of DMAP is the collection of data for the MDWFP. This data includes sex, weights, antler measurements on bucks, lactation data on does, and jawbones from all harvested deer from the property. Without proper data collection from the cooperator, the biologist cannot give proper harvest recommendations.