Date and Time Updated:


Natchez State Park Lake is closed to the public for repairs at this time.

Special fishing Regulations
SpeciesRegulation TypeLength To Release
Black Bass (combined largemouth, spotted, and smallmouth)Slot length limit18 to 22 inches
Catfish No length limit
Creel Limits (per person, per day)
TypeAmountAdditional Information
Black Bass (combined largemouth)7Anglers can harvest only one bass over 22 inches
Catfish10Creel limit for all State Fishing and State Park Lakes
  • No trot lines, set lines, jug fishing, or commercial gears are permitted on State Park Lakes .
  • Night fishing (from 30 minutes before sunset to 30 minutes after sunrise) will be permitted from the shore or from boats which are in compliance with State and Coast Guard regulations. Only idle speed and trolling motors may be used at night.
  • Only rod and reel or pole fishing is allowed on State Park Lakes except that carp, gar, buffalo, and bowfin may be taken by use of a bow and arrow at night only after purchasing a valid permit for fishing and/or boating. No other gear is allowed at these lakes.
Additional Information

For information about Natchez State Park, please call (601) 442-2658.

Natchez State Park Lake Depth Map

Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks Fisheries Biologists use various sampling methods to assess the fish populations in the State’s waters.   Sampling results for selected water bodies are summarized in Reel Facts Sheets.

Fish attractors were added in several locations in February 2015. Be sure your GPS is set to read decimal degrees (shown below) and not degrees-minutes-seconds when attempting to locate the attractors. Coordinates and a map are shown below:

2015 Natchez Fish Attractors
Coordinates Below
N 31.595850W 91.203029N 31.597647W 91.203667
N 31.594941W 91.203450  N 31.592900W 91.205240 
N 31.590913 W 91.204257N 31.590750W 91.205380 
N 31.589594W 91.208455N 31.589594W 91.208955
N 31.589594W 91.208455 N  31.589842W 91.208350
N 31.590028W 91.208074 N 31.593749W 91.208157
N 31.594715W 91.209512N 31.598284W 91.211600
N 31.599235W 91.211145N 31.598431W 91.207810
N 31.598215W 91.206750N 31.591195W 91.204700
N 31.591075W 91.204900N 31.591390W 91.204935
N 31.596840W 91.203330